LGBT+ History Month 2021 Audio Drama

LGBT+ History Month 2021

Audio Drama for LGBT+ History Month 2021

LGBT+ Figures in History

Audio Drama for LGBT+ History Month 2021

February is LGBT+ history month 2021. If you’re interested in learning more about the struggles of LGBT+ historic figures through audio drama, Wireless Theatre have a collection of relevant radio plays. His Most Obedient Servant explores the tragic effects of Victorian bigotry on the lives of politicians and artists of the times. The Ballad of C33, better known as the Ballad of Reading Gaol, was not initially identified as the work of Oscar Wilde. A Gentleman of My Own Making tells the story of Michael Dillon, the first transman to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Hellcats, our Audible original play, is based on the real lives of Mary Read and Anne Bonny, partners in life and crime on the high seas. Elegy brings us to the modern era, and explores the experiences of gay Iraqi refugees and the UK asylum process.

Explore our full playlist of audio plays featuring historic and fictional LGBT+ people.


Carina Rodney’s swashbuckling tale of real-life pirates Mary Read and Anne Bonny. This fantastic podcast explores the love affair between the two, and their adventurous lives. Directed by Kate Saxon.
Listen on Audible

LGBT+ History Month audio drama Hellcats Wireless Theatre

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