Battle Cries

Battle Cries Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Battle Cries Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Battle Cries

Battle Cries. Audio Drama inspired by the Arab Spring of 2011. Jane Downs has written from a woman’s perspective on the Arab Spring, referencing the traditional tribal poetry of pre-Islamic Arabia. Featuring extracts from the Mu’allaqat of Antara – a poem embroidered on a cloth of gold and publicly displayed in Mecca in the 7th century.

Gino Ginelli – 2 – Gino Ginelli’s Still Dead

Gino Ginelli's Still Dead Audio Drama Wireless Originals
Gino Ginelli's Still Dead Audio Drama Wireless Originals
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Gino Ginelli - 2 - Gino Ginelli's Still Dead

Charles and Ollie are still in Swanborough and their father, Gino, is still dead.

Gino Ginelli – 1 – Gino Ginelli is Dead

Gino Ginelli Is Dead Audio Drama Wireless Originals
Gino Ginelli Is Dead Audio Drama Wireless Originals
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Gino Ginelli - 1 - Gino Ginelli is Dead

Gino Ginelli’s Dead. Charles and Ollie Ginelli haven’t seen their father for over twenty years, when out of the blue they discover he has passed away and they must go to their childhood home-town of Swanborough on sea to organise his funeral. What begins as an unfortunate family accident mounts into a disaster of unparalleled proportions for the two brothers as they encounter the strange, the incompetent and the the unusual during the ceremony and remember why they were so glad they left in the first place.