DELETE Episode 2

Delete Audio Drama Nina Millns
Delete Audio Drama Nina Millns
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
DELETE Episode 2

Sue is dating. Mostly men with beards. Sue is Tanya’s parole officer. Tanya needs to stay clean. Tanya needs to serve her community sentence by teaching Patricia how to use the internet.

DELETE Episode 1

Delete Audio Drama Nina Millns
Delete Audio Drama Nina Millns
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
DELETE Episode 1

Sue is dating. Mostly men with beards. Sue is Tanya’s parole officer. Tanya needs to stay clean. Tanya needs to serve her community sentence by teaching Patricia how to use the internet. Online harm may come to any one of them. Audio Drama with strong language exploring the themes of women and the internet, and intergenerational friendship. Written by Nina Millns, starring Saffron Coomber Illona Linthwaite and Balvinder Sopal